Jul 1, 2009

June summary of Junkamania

It is the begining of a new month and its sad to tell you that June was a bit slow and this blog was not updated like it should have been. For that thing I do apologize and look forward to do regular updates from now on.
The past month was a special month for me as well as my blog.
For this blog:
1)Quality posts.
2)Two authorities from Technorati
3)A guest post to a friend's blog with a backlink to this blog
4)Technorati ranking jump by 3,00,000 spaces(still can't believe it!)
For me:
1)Got my B.Sc. degree in Mahematics(not related to this blog!hehe!)
2)Gave a shot to writing at Triond and Bukisa.
3)More sources of income found for this blog.
There were some bad things though like the contest started a few days ago did not have a success so I had to remove the widget. That might be because of the following reasons:
1)Site is indexed but not ranked.
2)There was no prize money.

Though this post should have been more of my income summary, I however cannot post any progress in my income from this blog, but should tell you that earned anywhere around $2.00 which is not a good amount I know!
However looking forward for your participation and support.

1 comment:

Sarah said...

Well, since this blog is still new-you are not going to have much money coming in. The good news, it can only get better if you put time and effort in it.

I hope your site has a better month in July!